Saturday, December 26, 2009

How is O'Really balanced when he constantly has far right Dick Morris, Dennis Miller, Laura Ingraham as guests?

He always disagrees with guests from the left and rotates the afore mentioned far right loons to include Michelle Malkin trhroughout the week.How is O'Really balanced when he constantly has far right Dick Morris, Dennis Miller, Laura Ingraham as guests?
One thing you need to consider, and he speaks of it frequently on his show, many of the talking heads on the left REFUSE to come on his show.

I think it is because they have very thin egos and they would crumble when challenged.

He has publicly BEGGED the Rev. J. Jackson to appear...promises him a full hour. He refuses.

Oh, even the second in charge of the self appointed black community leaders, the Rev. Sharpton, appears on his show frequently. He is always treated with respect and it is spirited debate.How is O'Really balanced when he constantly has far right Dick Morris, Dennis Miller, Laura Ingraham as guests?
Dick Morris is not far right neither is Dennis Miller. Bill has guests from both sides and different degrees of the political spectrum all the time. He disagrees with the one that go of the deep end on the right just as he does with those that go off the left. There are a lot more far left people paraded out as the ';norm'; for the democrats than there are far right people for republicans- Coulter is a nut but she is NOT claimed as the speaker of the republican party unlike people like Al Franken who is a far left nut and is embraced by the democrats.
O'Reilly has always been a nut. I'm glad he calls himself 'Fair and Balanced,' because it points out the constant lie conservatism is based on in the US. Everything they blame on liberals, you can be certain they're to blame for.

(i.e. all the major media entities in the US are owned by Conservatives, so they blame the 'liberal media,' and call conservative democrats liberal, and the liberals have been moved out of elected office almost wholesale. Save Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders)
I'll agree Laura is rather far right, but Dennis and Dick are just plain conservative. He does have them on regularly. Other parts of the show include a debate between himself and one liberal and one conservative. He does that quite frequently. In addition, I haven't seen Michelle Malkin on that show for at least a year. Don't get me wrong, Bill definitely leans right, but he does his best to present an objective view, sometimes putting his opinion in. Keep in mind, it's not a news show. It's called the O'Reilly Factor for a reason.
In your question you say he has guests from the far right, and disagrees with guests from the left. So you mean he has guests from the left and right, which seems balanced. Since his show is a political opinion/ call in show he is able to voice his opinion.

He is not a political news reporter he is a political OPINION show host.
Those people are not far right, they are center.

I'm far right,,,,

Ban gay's.

Stop abortion.

Every Body 18, serves in the military.

Gallo's, instead of prisons.

No welfare, (work) or your deported.

Steal something, cut your hand off.
He constantly has people from both sides on the show. Actually watch sometime and you would see that Kirsten Powers, Bob Beckel, and Geraldo Rivera are frequest guests on the show and ALL unabashed liberals.

By the way, Morris is a former Clinton advisor. He is no conservative, he just hates the Clintons.

By the way, how many conservatives appear on Olberman? Between you and his other viewer, you should be able to come up with some names.
Dick Morris and Dennis Miller ';far right';? Are you kidding? Dick Morris worked for Bill Clinton.
There is no way O'Reilly's show is balanced, and the fact that he and the Fox News network lie about it shows how dishonest and manipulative they are.

Robert Greenwald did a tally of the guests on O'Reilly a few years ago and there were 6 conservatives for each liberal.
He's about as fair and balanced as all the other network news people like Couric and Gibson (who are openly Liberals).
Isn't it ironic repugs did not recognized their buddies Dick Morris and Miller ? Yes, morons, they were far left, now both are far right...Just Adolf-like evolution...
As opposed to the beacon of fairness that is MSNBC?

Must every channel spout nothing but left wing propaganda?

What does it hurt you that ONE SINGLE CHANNEL occasionally offers a dissenting viewpoint to the torrent spewing from the left?
O'Reilly balanaced? That's a laugh. O'Reilly is a bloated, egotistical dolt.
You mean Clinton's Dick Morris?
and don't forget the famous of them all.........Ann Coulter

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