Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Should Dennis Miller run against Al Franken in 2014?

Who would win? Who would play them on SNL?Should Dennis Miller run against Al Franken in 2014?
Dennis Miller's ratings back when he had a talk show on MSNBC were so low that he might be lucky to garner more votes than his immediate family.Should Dennis Miller run against Al Franken in 2014?
WARNING. Carbon dioxide emissions can reach dangerous and toxic levels in the immediate vicinity of Dennis Miller. In case of a diatribe, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling.

First help yourself, then help the children.

In case Dennis Miller believes that he knows what he is talking about, dictionaries can be found under your seat.
You're assuming that Franken doesn't run for President after only spending 140 days in the US Senate. After all, after 4.5 months in the Senate, his resume will be just as strong as the community organizers was...
nay, Dennis Miller has some emotional problems but Franken is a really clear communicator so I don't think Miller would be able to take him ever. I doubt if Miller is going to stay the way he has become cause he changes often.
Dennis Miller doesn't have even close to the intellectual ability of Al Franken.

He's funnier, but not as smart.
No, Dennis Miller should run in 2010.

People will vote in the mid-terms.

Sheeple will not.

Wellll...o.k., some sheeple will turn out in 2010 and vote Democrat.
Funny .. Dennis used to be a lib. besides in the state of MInn. People would vote for mickey mouse if he was on the ballet.
I am embarrassed to be a Minnesotan for the first time in my life.

Franken is an idiot.
Ask again in 2013; politics is ';funny'; enough as it is without making a conscious attempt to turn it into a joke!
Dennis Miller is a big fat air bag. He has no political views of his own.
Dennis Miller is too lazy
Miller would eat his lunch. I'd LOVE to see a debate between those two. Franken's a dork.
No, because i have heard Dennis Miller tell racist Jokes
why did they elect that clown any way? did the dem's decide they need more idiots in D.C.? i say miller would win
I don't think Miller lives in Minnesota.
I would pay to see that one. Brilliant! ';Play'; nothing! Just let them duke it out.
dennis miller doesn't even know where he stands.......unless they are paying him to pick a side on an issue.
Maybe Don Rickles v Supy Sales!!

Dennis Miller is fat and dumb!
Miller would get his head handed to him so YEAH that would be great
This is great. You are awesume.
Who WOULDN'T watch THAT debate???
That is assuming Franken would still be alive, and that is to tragic to contemplate.

Franken totally destroyed Air America, it had to be the largest money losing radio effort in history.

Franken is a worthless pig, and that is an insult to Pigs.

Franken didn't win anyway, the idiots allowed some ballots to be counted 2 times, of course those were favorable to Franken. That is why democrats always gain votes on a recount, they have no problem with cheating.

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