Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Religiously Asking: What are your opinions on Dennis Miller...?!?

...Remember when he used to be cool, and funny? (Well i dont, coz i was only about three years old when he was cool)

But I think (from watching old footage online) he was (and kinnda still is) Absolutely hilarious...I love his old stuff, his stand up, his talk show...

...but im just wondering, what do u think of his dramatic switch of personality ... why is he now a regular on the Bill Oreilly show? What the hell happened to him?

=)Religiously Asking: What are your opinions on Dennis Miller...?!?
His older stand-up stuff is almost entirely stolen from the late great Bill Hicks, I had no idea that he was a regular guest on Bill Oreilly's show because I can't stand FOX TV or Bill Oreilly.

But if he's appearing on it regularly he must his turned into a complete scumbag lately, not surprising for someone who built a career out of stealing someone elses material.Religiously Asking: What are your opinions on Dennis Miller...?!?
Dennis Miller hates God. I love God. i dont watch Dennis Miller or the late George Carlin either. Youve seen these men. Which of the two lists below describe these men.


Charity,chastity, compassion, consideration, courage, courteousness, dependability, diligence, discipline, empathy, endurance, fairness, faith, fidelity, forgiveness, fortitude, generosity, honesty, honour, hopefulness, hospitality, humility, impartiality, innocence, integrity, joy, kindness, lovingness, loyalty, mercy, moderation, modesty, morality, obedience, patience, peacefulness, perseverance, prudence, purity, purposefulness, respectfulness, restraint, self-discipline, sincerity, sympathy, temperance, thankfulness, trustworthiness, truth, wisdom.

Deeds of the Flesh

Apathy, carelessness, cowardice, corruption, cruelty, dishonesty, dishonor, disobedience, disrespectfulness, drunkenness, excess, envy, greed, hatred, hostility, indulgence, infidelity, ingratitude, insincerity, immorality, impatience, impurity, irresponsibility, jealousy, laziness, lust,malice, perversion, pride, procrastination, promiscuity, rudeness, ruthlessness, selfish ambition, selfishness, self gratification, sensuality, slothfulness, strife, unfairness, unfaithful, unkindness, vanity, violence.
I don't know about his comedy anymore. I do remember when he used to be funny, and his appearances on Oreilly are all I really know of him since Monday Night Football (which, I don't think he was that bad really). I will admit that seeing him on Oreilly is disappointing. I saw him a couple nights ago spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap when I was flipping channels and actually thought basically what you have asked.

What are you going to do though? If that's what he believes then that's what he's going to say. Truth be told, at least he speaks his mind (even though I think he's wrong). At any rate, I wouldn't be surprised if he was still really funny. More often than not you don't just lose the funny, but I can't say. I've only seen a couple of Oreilly appearances over the last couple years.
I think he is an intelligent enough guy - but he sure backed a complete loser (politically) on that very brief and lousy cable show of his.

Sad, I remember when he was funny and acidic in his comedy. Such a waste!

Whaaat??? He is a regular now on O'Reilly's show?! I cannot get that show on my cable anymore - but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he show up on that hack's program.
Comedy Central (I think it was- maybe it was MTV) had him on regularly, but the New Years 1991 show I remember most because he had bashed Christians about us using Jesus as an ';ecclesiastical whiteout.';

I think he finally got older and wiser. he is still angry, but he is also not a Christian. I think he is close, however. He is becoming more conservative which is, for some, a little closer. There is hope....
I have seen Denis live several times over the last 10+ years and he jsut gets funnier every time. His standup is class act and great. He is a conservative, what do you want him to do? Go on Neil Cavuto or Letterman? (Letterman is a turd by the way). Dennis is a great contemporary comedian. Some of his jokes go over most peoples head so that can be why he is misread sometimes. Hes just great
Yeah, its a shame, because he used to be funny and mostly correct, and now hes kind of funny and mostly wrong.

Too bad that we can't inject him with 50CCs of George Carlin...

I don't know why you felt the need to post this in religion and spirituality, though...
I think he's a total DILF.


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