Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why does fox news employ notorious flip floppers like dick morris & dennis miller when they lack credibility?

Flip-flopping is not the worst thing about them.

Dick Morris is a sexual pervert.

Dennis Miller was a bad comedian, a bad writer on SNL, a horrendous football broadcaster on Mondy Night Football and now a pathetic radio and TV hate talk host. Why does fox news employ notorious flip floppers like dick morris %26amp; dennis miller when they lack credibility?
Fox News is the only one with any credibility. Dick Morris and Dennis Miller are not reporters, they are pundits that give opinions not report the news. Fox also has many left wing pundits expressing their opinions. I can always tell when its a lefty, because they can never shut up or answer a question without going straight to talking points.Why does fox news employ notorious flip floppers like dick morris %26amp; dennis miller when they lack credibility?
I never knew Dick Morris and Dennis Miller were politicians. I thought flip-flopper was a term we gave to politicians.

Here's a comeback for ya...why did Glenn Beck get canned from CNN? Did they not like having someone with a conservative viewpoint?

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;jdm, I noticed you didn't include Colmes in your list. He's on Fox News, in case you didn't know.
Fox 'news' employs anyone who will parrot the party line - credibility (or intelligence) has nothing to do with it.

Although this won't prevent the thumbs down from spring up, I also have to say that other networks do the same thing - just not nearly to the extent that Fox does it.
they employ them because they generate money for the company. They must be doing something right, more people watch them than the competition.

What is the difference between a notorious flip flopper and say a casual flip flopper?
Dennis Miller is not a flip flopper. He is a comedian. He was a comedian. He will be a comedian. Where is the flip flop?

';Fox News'; Talk about an oxymoron.

Any netword that would hire Geraldo Rivera, and call him a 'journalist,' is not news. It's entertainment. As in, hilarious.
Why watch FIX news, the worst of the worst are on there, anti-americans such as Hannity, O'Reilly, Rove, and Laura Ingram. Next they will be adding two more bimbos to the fold Palin and Hasselback.
At least fox doesn't have to break for a commercial like MSNBC and CNN to wake up their anchors and pun dints after they faint at the mention of the name Obama. We were suckered into a war by the media and now a president.
Fox News is credible. I'm talking about the News, not the commentary. Commentators like Morris and miller are for entertainment purposes only. Why doesn't MSNBC even have a News dept.?
Does your question then mean that it's ok for Politicians to flip-flop but not pundits/comedian/normal people? Who cares if they flip flop... they aren't in charge of making the decisions...
On the contrary, my dear friend, these men have both seen the light of truth. I find them both very insightful, to say the least.
Fox news is the only credible news. Cnn and msnbc were paid off by the lefties a long time ago.
Scott why does the Yuma AZ Walmarts employ a known pedophile like you.
Fox News....that says it all.
You mean like MSNBC and those loons like Robert Wexler?

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